Thursday, June 22, 2006

Well had some company over the last week, family from out of town. Went out to the movies saw X-men 3 and The Omen. Both were not bad...haven't been to the movies in a long time, I forgot how expensive it is. Did some fine dinning at a few of the nice restaurants here in town, good

Work has started to pick up again...and will probably be busy from now till the end of the year.

My brothers little one is doing great...crawling any day now *smiles*.

Things around here are quite for now, more company is coming in for the whole month of if I'm not around, its cause I'm busy having

Almost got the house all clean and organized...its such a nice feeling to get rid of all the junk that collects over the years. I have been watching some of those home reno shows, and put some of the ideas into action...I think it looks great. Now I am having the problem of deciding whether to paint the inside...all the rooms right now are the same boring tan color...I need some life in this house....But that might be a winter project....Keep you posted. There are only so many hours in a*wink*

Monday, June 12, 2006

Mondays....gotta love

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Time sure flies by, before you know it... months have gone

If you can't beat them, join

trying something new in my life, we'll see if this time works....always up for new adventures.

still a can feel the dark shadows behind me. Can I be strong enough to stand up against them....only time will tell I guess....maybe this time I will get what I have wished for...wish me luck!

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