Monday, March 29, 2004

Wow its Monday already, what ever happen to the weekend… way too short.

Just finish reading this case study on the weekend surrounding the death / suicide of rock singer Kurt Cobain, formally from the band Nirvana. Really interesting, the case outlines the simple fact that there is more to this case then what was expressed in the media. Basically there wasn’t enough forensic evidence to suggest foul play, and over rule the death as being a suicide.

The reports states that Cobain ultimately died from a lethal gun shot to the head, as well as a lethal over dose of heroin, actually 3 times the “regular amount” (what ever that is). The case asks the question that if Cobain had injected himself with this much heroin, would it be possible for him then to pick up a load shot gun, and shot himself? Based on the heroin, (morphine), blood levels found in Cobain's body, preliminary research indicates Kurt Cobain would have been immediately incapacitated. He could not have picked up that shotgun. He could not have pulled that trigger! So suicide you ask…humm still makes me wonder….

Tom Grant who was a private investigator hired by Courtney Love to find Kurt Cobain after he mysteriously disappeared after leaving a drug rehab center, Grant believed that the police were to quick to rule Cobain’s death as a suicide. Interestingly enough, he began to research this case on his own. He brings out some interesting details to light regarding the case, the fact that Cobain was leaving his wife Courtney Love, and filing for divorce. One strike Courtney. Next someone was attempting to use Kurt Cobains missing credit card after Cobain died, but the attempts stopped when his body was discovered. Interesting how that works out. And apparently according to the reports the shot gun that Cobain apparently used to shot himself, was purchased before Cobain left rehab, not after he left rehab as reported by misinformed media sources.

Basically, the main question still not answered is if Cobain was on that much drugs at the time before his death, would and could it have been possible to self inflict himself with the deadly gun shot to the head, which ultimately took his life? I don’t think anyone will be doing that experiment anytime soon, …

…. But do you think it was suicide or foul play??? Personally, I think sex, drugs and rock & roll have never been a positive mix in the end… still makes me wonder…

Friday, March 26, 2004

Insurance rules could put more dogs in shelters

In Calgary, Alberta Canada, the Human Society is concerned about an insurance company's decision to refuse coverage to owners of certain dog breeds, saying it could leave more animals in shelters.

Allstate Insurance told Emmanuel Gionet it was canceling his home insurance after he identified his two dogs – one part-Rottweiler and the other part-German shepherd – as his home's "security system."

Allstate says it will no longer provide policies to people who own one of four breeds: Rottweillers, German shepherds, pit bulls or Doberman pinschers. The company says the dogs can be trained as guard dogs, and statistics show they are responsible for many serious bites.

Cheryl Wallach, manager of the Calgary Humane Society kennel, says there is no way to tell whether a dog will be aggressive based on its breed.

"About 40 per cent of the dogs we get are purebreds and 60 per cent are cross-breeds, and if we look at our total dog population, anywhere between one-third and one-half of them would have either shepherd, Rottweiller, Doberman or pit-bull in them," she said. "If this is something where all insurance companies decide that all these different breeds, as well as cross-breeds... the dogs will be in trouble because we won't be able to find anyone to take them."

An Allstate spokesperson said the company began scrutinizing policies of multiple dog owners last year, but that someone who has a family dog is unlikely to be turned down for insurance.

Gionet has now insured his home with another company, which gave him a discount because his dogs might deter burglars.

Fun how one company refuses and another gives discounts, ONLY in Canada …

Do you think this is a fair assessment of insurance companies, considering the past reports of dog attacks? Has anyone heard of similar cases?

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Trying to sue the Catholic Church … Good Luck…

I have been watching this issue in the news quite closely as it unfolds. This case in particular is centered on the issue of a priest, Rev. Kevin Bennett, a Roman Catholic priest who was ordained in the 1960’s in Newfoundland. From the 1970’s to the end of the 1980’s, Bennett served at parishes in western Newfoundland, Canada, where he sexually abused hundreds of altar boys. He served nearly five years in prison for his crimes. If you ask me, this was not nearly long enough or a harsh enough punishment for the crimes he committed. Thirty-six of his victims – now adults – launched a civil suit seeking compensation for damages. The damages involved millions of dollars.

Today, Canada's top court has declined to rule on whether the entire Roman Catholic Church should be held responsible for the actions of a Newfoundland priest who sexually assaulted hundreds of altar boys. In its 9-0 decision, the Supreme Court of Canada said the evidence was "too weak" to make a definitive ruling on the "important and difficult question”, whether or not the Roman Catholic Church as a whole should be held accountable. Now how are these victims going to be able to collect compensation for the crimes committed against them; because, in Canada, the Catholic Church is legally incorporated at a diocese level, not at a national level like other religious denominations. This ruling means abuse victims can sue an individual priest and the specific Episcopal corporation he's hired by, but they usually do not have the financial resources of the Church and cannot pay out large settlements.

Interestingly to make a point, Revenue Canada considers priests as "independent contractors” or in other words self-employed. Lawyers representing the Catholic Church also testified that the church "is not an entity capable of being sued." WHY?

So basically in a legal definition, the Priest was acting on a frolic of his own, hummm makes me wonder. If the Roman Catholic Church states that they aren’t responsible for individual priests and their actions, wouldn’t one agree that there should be some form of accountability on the Churches part? To me they’re stating that they as a whole identity aren’t responsible for the actions that their priests who are preaching their religion partake in.

I myself was baptized as a Roman Catholic, and I personally am appalled that the Church doesn’t want to take any form whatsoever of responsibility towards this case. When I was growing up the priest played a significant role in our communities and towards the young members learning and development. I don’t actively practice or follow the religion now, yet a do know where my roots are set. Makes me wonder, … “Do onto others as you wish to be done onto you”…I believe that is how the saying goes… truly sad if you ask me…………

oh… what do you think?

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Camera Cell Phones???

I found this article on the web talking about how this city banned camera cell phones from their public gyms. This became a problem centered on the whole issue of privacy. You know it made me stop and wonder, obviously this is a case by case analysis, surrounding privacy issues, and I full agree that these types of phones should not be allowed in public settings such as gym washrooms / change rooms. With the increase popularity of mobile phones that can also take digital pictures and send them anywhere in the world I guess new laws are going to have to be created in order to protect individuals privacy.

As well think about kids at school, they have one of these phones, oh cheating on test has never been made easier. Just think they could use the phones to take a photograph of the test, and then send it to other students. Just interesting how our lives are so centered focused on technology to help make things easier and more convenient, yet at the same time, society has to shift and make new laws every time a new piece of technology is introduced to protect individuals from it.

But I thought I would share a little story with you all on why you should have a camera phone:

My friend was going home late one night from the office, when she pulled out of the parkade, about 30m from the exit, a lady in a minivan rear-ended her, causing significant damage to both vehicles. The lady who hit my friend immediately started blaming my friend for the accident, claiming she had cut her off. Well the two women started to argue so bad over whose fault it was, my friend decided to call the police and fill out a report. After doing so my friend took pictures of both vehicles and the positions they were in with her new camera phone. To make this story short the lady who hit her got the ticket, and when the insurance company saw the pictures, they agreed that it was totally the other lady’s fault. They said it was in her favor because she had pictures of the accident.

What are your thoughts on having a camera phone? Any advantages or disadvantages to having this form of technology?

State your opinion………

Atkins Diet

I have a question for those of you out there, has anyone heard of this new diet “The Atkins diet”? The reason I am asking is that my sister told me the other day that she was starting on this diet to help her lose a few pounds before summer hits.

Let me make a point here that I think my sister is a beautiful women, who in my opinion and many others looks wonderful the way she is, and if she is reading this, I don’t think you need to lose any weight at all!!! Your Perfect the way you are, honestly!!!!!

The reason I am asking is that I recall a few months back there was a report on the news claiming the Atkins diet was actually dangerous for your health. According to my sister this diet focuses on high-protein and low-carbohydrate intake. Now isn’t energy produced in your body by consuming carbohydrates, so if you cut them out aren’t you cutting out the elements that give you energy? I have no idea…

Really I need some input on this please… Is there anyone that is on or knows of anybody that is on this diet right now? If so, are you feeling ok, is it working? Has anyone else heard negative or positive news regards this diet?…………..


Is it a conspiracy or a coincidence? There is a long and tangled history between the Bush family and the elite of Saudi Arabia.

It begins in the 1970's in Houston, Texas, when George W. Bush was just starting out in his family's two businesses of politics and oil. The powerful - and very rich - Bin Laden family helped fund his first venture into oil.

The cozy friendship continued for decades. After a terrorist attack at a barracks in Saudi Arabia which killed 19 Americans, the bin Laden family received a multi-billion dollar contract to re-build. And incredibly, George Bush Sr. was in a business meeting at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington on the morning of September 11th with one of Osama Bin Laden's brothers.

For more information check the following link @

Monday, March 22, 2004

Medical marijuana headed for pharmacies

TORONTO - Health Canada is preparing to make government-certified marijuana available in pharmacies later this year.
British Columbia will be the location of a pilot program modeled on a year-old program in the Netherlands. It would allow medical users to buy marijuana at their local drugstore.

There are 78 medical users in Canada permitted to buy Health Canada marijuana, grown in Flin Flon, Manitoba. The 30-gram bags of dried buds, which sell for $150 each, are sent by courier directly to patients or to their doctors.

But the department is changing the regulations to allow participating pharmacies to stock marijuana for sale to approved patients without a doctor's prescription.

A notice of the change is expected to be made public this spring.

Less than 15 grams
The amount of marijuana a person could possess without facing criminal charges if the new federal marijuana laws are passed. Possession of a small amount of marijuana would still be illegal though; people found with less than 15 grams of pot could face a small fine, similar to a traffic ticket.
1.7 million
The number of Canadians who used marijuana in 1994 (about seven per cent of the population), according to Statistics Canada. Twice as many males than females smoked pot, and the vast majority (70 per cent) were between the ages of 15 and 24. The Canadian Medical Association estimates that about 1.5 million Canadians smoke marijuana recreationally.
The estimated number of Canadians who have criminal records for marijuana possession, according to the Justice Canada.
The year marijuana became illegal in Canada. The decision to make pot illegal has been criticized because cannabis was added to the illegal drugs list without parliamentary debate.
The year the first marijuana-related charges were laid in Canada. It was also the year marijuana became illegal in the United States.
The year the United Nations made it a violation of international law to legalize marijuana.
The year Canada made it legal for some people to smoke marijuana for medical reasons.
The number of Canadians who have Ottawa's permission to smoke marijuana for medical reasons, as of July 9, 2003. Health Canada said it had received a total of 1,145 applications from people wishing to legally smoke since the medical marijuana access regulations came into effect in 2001. Thirty-five to 50 new applications are received each month.
The number of kilograms of marijuana Ottawa said it had produced as of July 9, 2003. About 50 kilograms had been packaged in 30-gram bags ready for distribution.
10 per cent
The approximate concentration of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) in the federally produced marijuana. THC is the active ingredient in marijuana.
The number of U.S. states that have decriminalized the possession of small amounts of marijuana. Australia and many European countries have done the same.
$150 million
The amount of money that would be saved in court costs each year if marijuana possession was decriminalized, according to Canadian Alliance MP Keith Martin.

Makes me wonder….

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Vicious Worm Infects Without Attachment

A handful of Bagle worm variants are attacking Windows users with an insidious new twist: They can infect computers without tricking them into opening a file attachment -- opening an e-mail is all it takes.

For the full story check out the following site

Enterprise Security Today

Mad Cow Disease

All right by popular demand I am back with yet another issue not directly related to politics like the last post, but this issue has both United States and Canadian politics centered around it. Mad Cow disease. Yes it’s been in the news for over a year now and living in Canada I can report to you from the Canada side of the border. Here is the latest news on the issue:

With the threat that bovine spongiform encephalopathy – also known as BSE, or mad cow disease – has begun to appear in the U.S., once again Canadians and Canadian cattle producers are worried about the potential impact on the economy and the culture.

For years, Canada had been virtually free of mad cow disease. But in May 2003, veterinary officials in Alberta confirmed that a sick cow sent to a slaughterhouse in January of that year had been inspected, found to be substandard, and removed so that it would not end up as food for humans or other animals. The carcass was, however, sent to a processing plant for rendering into oils. Its head was kept for testing. Samples were sent to the world testing laboratories in the U.K., which confirmed the case of mad cow.

Several ranches in Alberta, B.C. and Saskatchewan were quarantined as a precaution, including the infected cow's home ranch.

In an investigation into the source of the infection, 1,400 cows were slaughtered and tested for the disease. Only the single case was ever found.

Western premiers demanded $360 million compensation from the federal government for losses to the beef industry because of the mad cow scare. Ottawa would later offer $190 million.

Over the summer of 2003, cattle ranchers held barbeques across Canada to help promote Canadian beef.

In August, the U.S. reopened its borders to some Canadian beef, but the border was still closed to live cattle. By this time, a cow that would have normally sold for $1,300 was selling for $15. Canadian beef producers asked Ottawa to approve a mass slaughter of 620,000 cattle to reduce the size of the herd and prevent further damage to the industry.

In October, CBC News reported that the border would reopen to live cattle in December 2003. But on Dec. 23, 2003, the U.S. announced that it had discovered its first apparent case of BSE in a cow in Washington state.

Several countries banned beef from the U.S. soon after the announcement, but Canada restricted imports only on some products made from cattle and other ruminants. It still allowed the import of cattle destined for immediate slaughter, boneless beef from cattle under 30 months of age and dairy products.

DNA evidence later revealed that the cow was born in Canada, and the U.S. kept its border shut to live Canadian cattle.

Makes me wonder who is really to blame, one cow remember…. Hummm… does this make you wonder?

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Federal Sponsorship Scandal

Normally I don’t like to talk politics, but I get this feeling that a lot of you that stop by my site are from outside Canada. So I thought maybe some might be interested in hearing about our “Wonderful Liberal government”. Not!!! Very recently the Prime Minister of Canada (“Our President”) who at the time was John Chrétien stepped down and appointed his Financial Minister Paul Martin to the seat. Well if you know politics let the scandal games beginning * smiles *

The Federal Sponsorship Scandal: Anyone heard of this???

On Feb. 10, 2004, federal Auditor General Sheila Fraser released the hotly anticipated results of her audit of the controversial government advertising and sponsorship program run by the federal Public Works Department. Basically federal tax dollars that were collected from the taxpayers of Canada were allocated out to crown corporations, (companies run solely by the government) and to advertisement companies who apparently supported the current majority government, i.e. The Liberals. Taxpayers of Canada were outraged at the findings, the collection of tax dollars should have been spent in order to help aid Canadians and help support our social programs…

Here are some of the major findings reported by Auditor General Sheila Fraser:

Senior government officials running the federal government's advertising and sponsorship contracts in Quebec, as well as five Crown corporations – the RCMP, Via Rail, Canada Post, the Business Development Bank of Canada and the Old Port of Montreal – wasted money and showed disregard for rules, mishandling millions of dollars since 1995.

More than $100 million was paid to various communications agencies in the form of fees and commissions, Fraser found. In most cases the agencies did little more than hand over the cheques.

The sponsorship program was designed to generate commissions for private companies, while hiding the source of the funding, rather than providing any benefit for Canadians, Fraser said.

"I think this is such a blatant misuse of public funds that it is shocking. I am actually appalled by what we've found."

"I am deeply disturbed that such practices were allowed to happen in the first place. I don't think anybody can take this lightly."

As a taxpayer I vote that no one should have to pay taxes ever again… * smiles*

So does this make you wonder……

'Idol' Reject Hung Has Recording Deal

NEW YORK - Who needs "American Idol"? William Hung doesn't — he already has a recording contract

The singer, who became a fan favorite — but not a judges' favorite — during open auditions for the Fox series with his spirited version of Ricky Martin (news)'s "She Bangs," has signed a deal with Fuse Music Network and Koch Records.

His debut album, tentatively titled "The True Idol," is scheduled for release April 6, it was announced Monday. It will contain "She Bangs," along with another Martin hit, "Shake Your Bon Bon," and a cover of Elton John (news)'s "Rocket Man," which Hung sang recently on "The Ellen DeGeneres (news) Show."

And for those of you hankering for more Hung, the disc will include a 40-minute DVD with behind-the-scenes footage from his studio recording sessions and fan questions and answers.

"He may not be the next American Idol, but he is definitely a star and inspiration to everyone who sings in the shower," said Marc Juris, president of Fuse, which will exclusively air his "She Bangs" video.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

I am feeling so good today!!! The sun is shining and guess what, I did it…. I register myself into a course for the summer. Oh a little nervous about going back to school after all this time, but I think it’s going to be really interesting, plus help get my mind off a few things.

Holy I’ll tell you one thing it’s expensive to go to school. I had to pay the fees today, for one course it’s costing me almost $500.00 (CDN). Things sure have changed since I have been in school. Plus that doesn’t include the costs of textbooks or other fees such as parking. I wonder how students afford to attend school with the cost being so high?

But like they say “Who can really put a price on knowledge”, it’s suppose to be a priceless commodity……

Things like this make me wonder…..

Wednesday, March 17, 2004


Did you know that St. Patrick's Day all started as a day to honour Irelands patron saint. He died on March 17, 461. What started as a religious holiday has now become a day of parades and of course ..... green beers. Well I hope you're all wearing something green today ... lol.. cause I'm not.... lol

Anyways enjoy and be safe ... cheers

Monday, March 15, 2004

Mom suspected of trying to sell stillborn

Read this and tell me your thoughts,


Prosecutors are investigating whether a woman charged with killing her baby by refusing a Caesarean section tried to scam a couple by offering to sell them the non-existent child for bail money, a newspaper reported.

Deputy Salt Lake County District Attorney Kent Morgan told the Deseret News his office was reviewing the allegations from a California couple who said they accepted collect telephone calls from Melissa Rowland from jail.

Rowland, 28, accused of refusing a C-section for her unborn twins because she feared scarring, has been jailed on criminal homicide and child endangerment charges. She has denied refusing a C-section.

One of the twins, a boy, was stillborn on January 13. A girl survived and has since been adopted, but prosecutors say she tested positive for cocaine and alcohol, which resulted in the child endangerment charges. She is scheduled to be in court Tuesday on that charge.

Monday, Rowland pleaded innocent to one count of criminal homicide. She appeared in court via video teleconference from jail, and her attorney entered the plea.

You can read the full story at the following link

Mom suspected of trying to sell stillborn

Jack the Ripper

Here is something to wonder about:

“Jack the Ripper! Few names in history are as instantly recognizable. Fewer still evoke such vivid images: noisome courts and alleys, hansom cabs and gaslights, swirling fog, prostitutes decked out in the tawdriest of finery, the shrill cry of newsboys - and silent, cruel death personified in the cape-shrouded figure of a faceless prowler of the night, armed with a long knife and carrying a black Gladstone bag”. By Philip Sugden

By today's standards of crime, Jack the Ripper would barely make the headlines, murdering a mere five prostitutes in a huge slum swarming with criminals: just one more violent creep satisfying his perverted needs on the dregs of society. No one would be incensed as were the respectable families of the pretty college students that were Ted Bundy's victims or the children tortured and mutilated by John Wayne Gacy. We have become a society numbed by horrible crimes inflicted upon many victims.

Why then, over a hundred years later, are there allegedly more books written on Jack than all of the American presidents combined? Why are there stories, songs, operas, movies and a never-ending stream of books on this one Victorian criminal? Why is this symbol of terror as popular a subject today as he was in Victorian London?


On the morning of Friday, 31st August, Saturday 8th, and Sunday, 30th September 1888, Women were murdered in or near White chapel, supposed by some one residing in the immediate neighborhood. Should you know of any person to whom suspicion is attached, you are earnestly requested to communicate at once with the nearest Police Station, Metropolitan Police Office, 30th September 1888.

Things really haven’t changed much in society over the last hundred years.

And it still makes me wonder……

Sunday, March 14, 2004

In loving memory of Laci and Conner Peterson;

Victims of a horrendous crime, I would like to share the following link with those interested...

Laci Peterson Offical Site

Things to think about......

When I was attending University I did a minor in Criminology. I find situations like the Pickton case quite overwhelming at times to digest. You study all these theories on why individuals commit the crimes they do, but what interests me is what they’re thinking at that precise moment when they commit these horrifying acts of violence. Do they stop to think about the families and friends of these loved ones? No…. I think not….

Many theorists would argue that individuals commit crimes because of some past life traumatic events, which occurred. Some theorists, such as Lombroso believe in the notion of the “born criminal”. “Criminals are physically different from law-abiding people and these differences demonstrate the biological causes of criminal behavior.” Yet other theorists such as Sutherland state: “Criminal behavior is developed through differential association with those who commit crime or those who are law-abiding.” Sutherland argues that criminal behaviour is learned, and it occurs with interaction with other people. So if one theory states that crime is inevitable because of biological traits and other states that crime is a learned behaviour, how do we as members within a society come to stop these horrific crimes from occurring?

There are many theories out there on why crimes occur, but as a society maybe we need a strong push on those who create the laws, which act as a deterrent to those seeking to commit crimes. I look at the United States where some states have the death penalty. The Death Penalty in it’s self is a very controversial subject. What if Canada was to impose such a law, would those like Robert Pickton think twice about committing such acts?

Humm makes we wonder…………………

Robert Pickton : Latest News On The Investigation

Now I am sure everyone has heard about the serial killer Robert Pickton, but this latest news on the investigation just floors me. Just when you think the world couldn't get any sicker, IT does!!!!

“Human DNA may have been in meat processed for human consumption at a pig farm at the centre of the investigation into Vancouver's missing women, B.C.'s provincial health officer confirmed Wednesday. “

When asked if cross-contamination meant human remains found their way into meat processed at the infamous farm, Kendall said:

"It's very disturbing to think about, but there's that possibility of some cross-contamination. But the degree of it or when or how much we really don't know.

Kendall stressed none of the meat would have been sold in stores or been distributed widely. However, meat from the farm was given to friends and associates of owner Robert Pickton.

Pickton, 54, faces 15 counts of first-degree murder in the disappearance of women from Vancouver's seedy Downtown Eastside.

Pickton is not expected to go to trial until late this year or early in 2005.

Police executed a raid on the Pickton farm Feb. 6, 2002.

More than 60 women from Vancouver's gritty Downtown Eastside have disappeared since the 1980s. Most were sex-trade workers and drug addicts.

The charges against Pickton so far are four more than the number admitted to by Canada's most notorious serial killer, Clifford Robert Olson.

Some key dates in the case of more than 60 women missing from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside:

September 1978: Lillian Jean O'Dare, now the first name on the list, disappears from Downtown Eastside.

1991: Relatives of a growing list of missing women, along with advocates for sex-trade workers, establish annual Valentine's Day remembrance, press for tougher police investigation.

June 1997: Helen Mae Hallmark reported missing.

September 1998: Vancouver police set up team to review files of as many as 40 women missing as far back as 1971.

January 1999: Jacqueline McDonell reported missing.

Sometime in 1999: Georgina Papin, Brenda Wolfe and Jennifer Furminger last seen.

April 1999: Vancouver police board posts $100,000 reward for information in case.

March 2001: Patricia Johnson last seen in Downtown Eastside.

April 2001: Heather Bottomley reported missing.

August 2001: Sereena Abotsway reported missing.

September 2001: Vancouver police and RCMP form joint task force to replace city police stalled investigation.

October 2001: Diane Rock reported missing.

November 2001: Mona Wilson reported missing.

December 2001: Task force investigators travel to Seattle to interview Gary Ridgeway, charged in four of 49 Green River homicides in Washington state.

January 2002: Task force adds five names to list, bringing total number of women missing to 50.

Feb. 5, 2002: RCMP officers, accompanied by missing-women task force members, enter pig farm in suburban Port Coquitlam on firearms warrant.

Feb. 6, 2002: Task force officers use their own warrant to begin searching pig farm for clues in missing women case.

Feb. 7, 2002: Robert Pickton, one of two brothers who own pig farm, charged with weapons offences as search of property continued.

Feb. 22, 2002: Robert Pickton charged with two counts of first-degree murder - Sereena Abotsway and Mona Wilson.

April 2, 2002: Crown announces three more first-degree charges against Pickton - Diane Rock, Jacqueline McDonell and Heather Bottomley.

April 9, 2002: Sixth murder charge laid against Pickton - Andrea Joesbury.

April 23, 2002: Karin Joesbury, mother of Andrea, files lawsuits against Pickton, police, the province and the federal government in relation to her death.

May 22, 2002: Pickton charged with first-degree murder of Brenda Wolfe.

June 6, 2002: Police begin excavating Pickton properties with help of archeologists.

Sept. 19, 2002: Father of missing woman Marcie Creison files lawsuit against police, City of Vancouver, the province and the federal government over investigation.

Sept. 19, 2002: Pickton charged with four more murders - Georgina Papin, Helen Hallmark, Patricia Johnson and Jennifer Furminger. List of missing officially grows to 63.

Oct. 2, 2002: Pickton charged with murders of Heather Chinnock, Tanya Holyk, Sherry Irving and Inga Hall.

Jan. 13, 2003: Preliminary hearing begins in provincial court in Port Coquitlam.

July 21, 2003: Hearing concludes.

July 23, 2003: Judge David Stone commits Pickton for trial on 15 counts of first-degree murder.

Nov. 18, 2003: Investigators wrap up mass excavation and search of Pickton farm.

Jan. 27, 2004: DNA of nine more women found on the farm, raising the possibility of more charges against Pickton.

Feb. 20, 2004: B.C. government reports investigation costs will likely run up to $70 million and that the money has been set aside in the provincial budget.

March 10, 2004: Health officials report human remains may have been in meat processed for human consumption at the Pickton pig farm.

© The Canadian Press 2004

Sundays, ..... possible the worst day of the week next to Mondays :)

Saturday, March 13, 2004

I have been thinking today that maybe its time to go back to school. I think it would be interesting to take a few interest courses; I have always wanted to take a writing class, or maybe even venture a philosophy course. It has been a while since I have attended school; I always swore that when I finished my degree I would never go back. Yet now I think I might enjoy it and appreciate it more, this working nine to five thing isn’t what its all cracked up to be.

Funny how when you’re young you spend all those years in school, and I know a few of us out there have ask, “Why do I need to learn this?”

There is this university here, I checkout some of the courses they are holding for the summer semester, and you know what, I think I’m going to do it. What do I have to lose…nothing really; I have all this time on my hands now, might as well fill it with a little more knowledge.

Who knows maybe something might spark inside of me and direct me in a different direction then the current employment I now seek.

I always say it’s a good day when you learn at least one new thing….

Color is a form of energy. This energy affects us both physically and emotionally. From packaging in the products we buy to the color of suit and tie a lawyer wears, color is used all over in our world to influence us. Below is a list of colors, their meanings, and suggestions on using them.

It's known for being a "power color". In small amounts it can promote positive thinking. On the other hand, too much of a good thing can create irritability, nervousness, stress and even anger. Use a red appointment book to emphasize your importance in the world.

The color of happiness. This color creates an optimistic attitude. Good for helping make decisions. Can't make up your mind? Use a yellow legal pad to list pros and cons.

Lowers stress and gives a feeling of comfort. Add some more plants to your home or office. If you are a serial plant murderer like myself, fake ones will work! ;o)

Relaxes the body and opens the mind. Be a kid again sometime and lie in the grass and watch the sky.

The color of royalty. Promotes self confidence. Also the color of passion. Buy yourself or the love in your life a bouquet of Freesia.


I am not a huge sports fan, but has anyone heard the latest news with regards to Todd Bertuzzi, an NHL hockey player for the Vancouver Canucks. If not here is the latest on the very talked about situation:

The league issued a penalty towards Todd Bertuzzi as a result of his on-ice attack of Colorado Avalanche forward Steve Moore on Monday and issued a disciplinary hearing into the incident on Wednesday in Toronto.

The Vancouver Canucks forward, who was suspended by the NHL Thursday for his on-ice attack of the Colorado Avalanche rookie, Todd Bertuzzi has through his agent, contacted Moore's agent to try and set up a meeting between the two parties.

Bertuzzi will forfeit more than $500,000 US in salary, which will be paid by the Canucks into the Players' Emergency Assistance Fund.

The Vancouver organization was also fined $250,000. They say that the Canucks must accept some of the responsibility for what took place.

Moore remains in a Vancouver hospital with fractured vertebra in his neck, a concussion and facial cuts. He will miss the rest of the season, but is expected to make a full recovery.

A teary-eyed and remorseful Bertuzzi issued an emotional public statement on Wednesday. The all-star forward paused several times to compose himself before apologizing to Moore, Moore's family, Canucks management, his Vancouver teammates and hockey fans.

Vancouver police are investigating the incident as a potential assault. They say they'll turn the file over to the Crown when their investigation is complete.

This isn't the first time Bertuzzi has been disciplined by the NHL. The 29-year-old forward was suspended for 10 games on Oct. 13, 2001 after leaving the bench to aid teammate Ed Jovanovski, who was jumped by then-Avalanche enforcer Scott Parker.

So the question I ask, do you think that Todd Bertuzzi should be punished for his actions on the ice?

Do you think he should be charged criminally? And if you saw his public apology do you think he was sincere or just trying to save himself?

What message if any is this sending to young hockey players, and sports fans all over the world?

Humm... Something to think about..... Let me hear your opinions

I decided it was time for a change of color to my blog world.

Therapy for the soul, they say that Orange lifts your spirit. Creates vitality and can be a great antidepressant.

So considering my state a mind these last few days, I thought, I would try something new.

Friday, March 12, 2004

Question of the Day

If you could be any famous person for just one day, who would you be and why?


Thanks goodness for that, this has been one of the longest weeks of my life. Everything that could go wrong has. Well one good thing, the wrist is feeling better…. Yeah!!!!!

I’m feeling “blue” today. I have been thinking about life. Yeah I know it’s a big subject area that covers an enormous range of topics, but something in particular. All I ever wanted out of life was to marry the right one, have a family and grow together through all of life’s good times and bad times. My life now consists of work….work and well work. I work so I can live, not live so I can work. (have to keep reminding myself of this)

I have made a lot of changes to my life in the last few months, mainly because I thought for some many years I was with "the one". Yet as time always tells, that wasn't the case. It broke my heart to some extent, to think that you spend all this time and energy, looking forward to this great unknown future, and when the reality of it all comes about, its not what you thought at all. Some call me a fool; some say it wasn't meant to be. I had no choice but to flee and try and start.. Not all over again, but.... fresh. Have you ever wondered “What if?”. I try not too, but some days, like today, its hard not to look back. Maybe I should have done things differently, so no one got hurt, but I guess when it comes to this part of life, someone gets hurt whether its intentional or not. I never wanted to hurt anyone, and if I did, I am truly sorry, from the bottom of my heart.

Humm…. Enough thinking…

Thank goodness it’s Friday. …Cheers…& hugs!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

So I checked the price for an airline ticket to go back home, yeah well I don’t think I’ll be traveling anytime soon. Way too expensive. Oh well, maybe its for the best anyways.

So yesterday and today seem to be following the same manic trend as Monday. I am swamped at work, and due to the wrist still giving me grief; my boss is totally riding me to get caught up. But HELLO.. I can only go so fast, plus I am not even suppose to be at work according to the doctors. Oh till the day I’m boss… hear me roar…lol

Is everybody else out there finding things are starting to pile up, or is it just me not being able to keep up with the fast past of city life?

Monday, March 08, 2004

Well it’s another Manic Monday!!!

I have been thinking a lot today about planning a vacation. Maybe head home for a few days, visit with family and friends. But I don’t know if it’s too soon for something like that. I know I have faced my problems, and hopefully they are all done and dealt with, but something in the bottom of my stomach says something different. I sense there may be another boom waiting to go off…humm….call me paranoid …

Sunday, March 07, 2004

You know I hate Sundays, I know its the day of rest, but talk about uneventful!!! Everything opens later in the day and closes early, plus there’s nothing good to watch on the television. So unless the weather is nice outside, there really isn’t much to do. I think I have watch ever-new release from the video store this week, so renting a flick is out of the question…lol

Well I hope everyone is having a restful weekend … I think I might go for a drive around this city and check out some of the sites… haven't done that yet since I got here...

Oh by the way the for those who care... the wrist is feeeling much better ;)

Saturday, March 06, 2004

I'm tired today....

Friday, March 05, 2004

I did it!!! I finally looked my problems in the face, and dealt with the issues. Whoosh…. That was exhausting lol. I think maybe this time there gone for good.
Keep your fingers crossed.

Did anyone see survivor last night? Holy was Sue a little upset, I must say, she had every right to be, on the morning show this morning her and Richard said they worked their problems out, meaning CBS paid Sue a “pretty penny”.

For those who missed it I’ll recap:

“For the second time in SURVIVOR: ALL-STARS, a castaway has chosen to leave the game. Saying that she had lost all her passion, Susan Hawk, the 42-year-old castaway of SURVIVOR: BORNEO from Palmyra, Wisconsin, opted out of the game to the surprise of all the other castaways. Due to Sue's sudden departure, there was no need for Tribal Council.”

“As the tribes assembled for a Reward Challenge, host Jeff Probst asked Susan about the incident at the previous challenge that had angered her. Susan's answer stunned the castaways as she exploded in a fit of rage and tears that ended with her swift departure from the game.”

Hmmm…. Gets me thinking ………. that maybe life is just one big game to be played out in front of a jury……….

Well everyone have a great weekend

Martha Stewart Guilty, All Counts

Stewart was convicted Friday of obstructing justice and lying to the government about a superbly timed stock sale, a devastating verdict that probably means prison for the woman who epitomizes meticulous homemaking and gracious living.

The jury of eight women and four men deliberated three days before convicting Stewart of all counts against her. The charges carry up to 20 years in prison, but Stewart will almost certainly get much less than that under federal sentencing guidelines.

"It's almost certain that Martha Stewart will spend some time at least in jail," said Legal Analyst Andrew Cohen. "Nowhere near the 20 years, probably not even five, but she'll have to get some jail time. The judge has to justify that. I imagine we'll get that this spring."

Her former stockbroker, Peter Bacanovic, 41, was convicted on all but one count against him, filing a false document.

In a statement released on her Web site, Stewart said: "I am obviously distressed by the jury's verdict but I continue to take comfort in knowing that I have done nothing wrong and that I have the enduring support of my family and friends."

She said she would appeal the verdict and vowed to "continue to fight to clear my name."

©MMIV CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Thank you to all of you who have expressed your concerns for my poorly fragile wrist. * smiles*. And yes it still hurts, but I am managing. I got the next few days off work, so I think I am going to kicking back and watch some videos.

Got to go ice the hand.

Has anyone seen any good movies lately…? Let me know


Monday, March 01, 2004

Well I finally went to the doctors office, you see I was typing away madly on the weekend and I noticed my wrist was starting to cramp up. Thinking it was just “writers cramp”, I passed it off as nothing. Well this morning I wake up and I had this huge bulging “thing” from the base of my wrist. And let me tell you, it hurt like a son of a gun. So I went to the clinic turns out I have a hairline fracture on my wrist bone, how that happen, beats me. I did move a few boxes from storage on the weekend, but “I’m I really getting that fragile in my old age”…hmmmm. So I might not be posting for the next day or too, since this finger typing sucks. lol

Oh and of course William Hung is back tonight with his encore performance, won’t miss that * smiles *

El Nino Gives the World Gas

Cows do it. Horses do it. People do it after drinking soda, or while eating a spicy bowl of chili. They all pass gas. So does the Earth, especially during El Nino.

El Nino marks a major warming of the waters along the equator in the Pacific Ocean every 3 to 7 years and is characterized by shifts in "normal" weather patterns. Peruvians call it El Niño, "The Child," because this condition usually takes place around Christmas, celebrating the birth of Christ.

Scientists notice significant changes in the air during an El Nino year. Concentrations of two important greenhouse gases, methane and carbon dioxide, go up significantly. These gases are normally present as the product of burning fossil fuels like gasoline, oil or coal. Many scientists thought the increases in greenhouse gases during El Nino years were likely due to a changing balance of plant growth and death. However, new research is providing a different diagnosis to the source of the Earth's heartburn.

EL Nino Gives Wildfires a License to Burn

Wildfires seem to ignite the geological version of the big belch. During El Nino, vast areas of the tropic regions dry out and become vulnerable to fire. During the 1997/1998 El Nino, wildfires ravaged huge areas in Latin America and Southeast Asia, belching large quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane into the air.

"We found that a large part of the [carbon dioxide] increases [were] the result of increased fire activity," said Guido R. van der Werf, of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

For the first time, scientists have quantified the amount of greenhouse gases released during the 97/98 El Nino wildfires by combining satellite measurements and direct measurements of the air. They found that fire emissions of greenhouse gases increased across multiple continental regions in 1997-98, including Southeast Asia (60 percent of the global increase), Central and South America (30 percent), and boreal (northern) forests of North America and Eurasia (10 percent).

What's the Big Deal About Extra Gas?

Scientists worry that too much greenhouse gas in the atmosphere could warm the planet. Venus, with an atmosphere comprised of 95 percent carbon dioxide, is an extreme example of a planet with runaway greenhouse gases. The temperature on the planet's surface reaches about 896 degrees Fahrenheit (470 C), hot enough to melt lead. Luckily the Earth's oceans are like stomach medicine, absorbing extra carbon dioxide and preventing a runaway greenhouse effect. Plants are another carbon dioxide absorber, or as scientists call it, carbon sink.

For more information please click on the following link:

Article found at the NASA site

Rani Chohan
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

As always when I know something that I think is important, I always share.
The following is a new virus that is hitting emails everywhere.

Just looking out for you guys, here is the info;

Beware the W32.Netsky.D virus is rampant on the Internet. Do not open attachments if you get an e-mail looking like the following.

The email has the following characteristics:


Subject: (One of the following) · Re: Your website
· Re: Your product
· Re: Your letter
· Re: Your archive
· Re: Your text
· Re: Your bill
· Re: Your details
· Re: My details
· Re: Word file
· Re: Excel file
· Re: Details
· Re: Approved
· Re: Your software
· Re: Your music
· Re: Here
· Re: Re: Re: Your document
· Re: Hello
· Re: Hi
· Re: Re: Message
· Re: Your picture
· Re: Here is the document
· Re: Your document
· Re: Thanks!
· Re: Re: Thanks!
· Re: Re: Document
· Re: Document

Body: (One of the following) · Your file is attached.
· Please read the attached file.
· Please have a look at the attached file.
· See the attached file for details.
· Here is the file.
· Your document is attached.

Attachment: (One of the following)
· your_website.pif
· your_product.pif
· your_letter.pif
· your_archive.pif
· your_text.pif
· your_bill.pif
· your_details.pif
· document_word.pif
· document_excel.pif
· my_details.pif
· all_document.pif
· application.pif
· mp3music.pif
· yours.pif
· document_4351.pif
· your_file.pif
· message_details.pif
· your_picture.pif
· document_full.pif
· message_part2.pif
· document.pif
· your_document.pif

For those of you that missed the 76th Academy Awards last night here is a recap:

Best Picture

Best Actor in a Leading Role
Sean Penn in MYSTIC RIVER (Warner Bros.)

Best Supporting Actor
Tim Robbins in MYSTIC RIVER (Warner Bros.)

Best Actress in a Leading Role
Renee Zellweger in COLD MOUNTAIN (Miramax)

Best Foreign-Language Film

And of course Lord of the Rings took home practically every other award out there *smiles *

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