Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Camera Cell Phones???

I found this article on the web talking about how this city banned camera cell phones from their public gyms. This became a problem centered on the whole issue of privacy. You know it made me stop and wonder, obviously this is a case by case analysis, surrounding privacy issues, and I full agree that these types of phones should not be allowed in public settings such as gym washrooms / change rooms. With the increase popularity of mobile phones that can also take digital pictures and send them anywhere in the world I guess new laws are going to have to be created in order to protect individuals privacy.

As well think about kids at school, they have one of these phones, oh cheating on test has never been made easier. Just think they could use the phones to take a photograph of the test, and then send it to other students. Just interesting how our lives are so centered focused on technology to help make things easier and more convenient, yet at the same time, society has to shift and make new laws every time a new piece of technology is introduced to protect individuals from it.

But I thought I would share a little story with you all on why you should have a camera phone:

My friend was going home late one night from the office, when she pulled out of the parkade, about 30m from the exit, a lady in a minivan rear-ended her, causing significant damage to both vehicles. The lady who hit my friend immediately started blaming my friend for the accident, claiming she had cut her off. Well the two women started to argue so bad over whose fault it was, my friend decided to call the police and fill out a report. After doing so my friend took pictures of both vehicles and the positions they were in with her new camera phone. To make this story short the lady who hit her got the ticket, and when the insurance company saw the pictures, they agreed that it was totally the other lady’s fault. They said it was in her favor because she had pictures of the accident.

What are your thoughts on having a camera phone? Any advantages or disadvantages to having this form of technology?

State your opinion………

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