Friday, March 26, 2004

Insurance rules could put more dogs in shelters

In Calgary, Alberta Canada, the Human Society is concerned about an insurance company's decision to refuse coverage to owners of certain dog breeds, saying it could leave more animals in shelters.

Allstate Insurance told Emmanuel Gionet it was canceling his home insurance after he identified his two dogs – one part-Rottweiler and the other part-German shepherd – as his home's "security system."

Allstate says it will no longer provide policies to people who own one of four breeds: Rottweillers, German shepherds, pit bulls or Doberman pinschers. The company says the dogs can be trained as guard dogs, and statistics show they are responsible for many serious bites.

Cheryl Wallach, manager of the Calgary Humane Society kennel, says there is no way to tell whether a dog will be aggressive based on its breed.

"About 40 per cent of the dogs we get are purebreds and 60 per cent are cross-breeds, and if we look at our total dog population, anywhere between one-third and one-half of them would have either shepherd, Rottweiller, Doberman or pit-bull in them," she said. "If this is something where all insurance companies decide that all these different breeds, as well as cross-breeds... the dogs will be in trouble because we won't be able to find anyone to take them."

An Allstate spokesperson said the company began scrutinizing policies of multiple dog owners last year, but that someone who has a family dog is unlikely to be turned down for insurance.

Gionet has now insured his home with another company, which gave him a discount because his dogs might deter burglars.

Fun how one company refuses and another gives discounts, ONLY in Canada …

Do you think this is a fair assessment of insurance companies, considering the past reports of dog attacks? Has anyone heard of similar cases?

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