Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Winter is here. Snowed for the last two days. But the weather network says the temperature is going to be in the double digits for the next few days. Just got back from taking the dogs for a walk, and the snow is already melting. Hopefully it stays nice till Halloween, every year it seems to snow on Halloween night making it really cold for the little trick o treaters. Got the outside of the house setup as a graveyard theme. Actually looks really cool, got tombstones with skull head lights, big spiders and tons of ghosts. I remember being a kid and my favorite thing was to find the houses that were all "spooky" looking. Now I just have a few more things to get done outside around the yard and hopefully in the next few weeks everything will be done, so if winter does stay around at least the yard work is taken care of. Cleaned out the garage yesterday, took back all the bottles that were collecting, got almost $20.00 for them. I have been putting that off all summer, so it feels good to get that knocked off the list. One thing done, about 50 more to