Thursday, January 26, 2006

I am really trying to make an effort to post at least every few days. So this messge is short, nothing has happen in the last 2 days. Boring...I know. My best friend is getting married today as I write, in Mexico of all places. I bet their having the most wonderful day. They get back next week, I can't wait to see the pictures.

Well I must run.... the day is starting to get busy... I'll be back again real soon...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Got myself into a car accident a week ago. I am fine and so is my car. However the other guy wasn't as so lucky. He is physically fine, but there is some damage to his vehcile. Whos to blame? Well that is a hard question to answer? I'd say we were both equally at fault. Just bad timing, being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Could have been worse I'll tell you that much. But what a pain ... paper work, insurance....not fun at all!!!!

Anyways been keeping busy with work and classes. My brother is expecting a little one here in less than a month. So I will keep you posted as the events unfold. Boy or Girl? I am putting my money on Boy.... well see I guess.....

The puppy is doing great, finely got the house breaking part master ....YAHOO!!! LOL

Well thats all folks, will try and have something more interest the next time.

Hope everyone is doing well.

cheers Matt

Sunday, January 15, 2006


I was reading some of my old posts from the last year or so. Have you ever done this, read an old post, and realize that the emotion that was driving the post that day to be written was all but lost. I mean its one thing for someone to read your posts and try to understand the level of feelings and emotions behind it. I guess this is just a way to help vent some of those powerful emotions that are being felt at that particular moment. Funny, some of the things I felt so hurt by, seem like nothing now...Just a thought...I guess if you wait long enough...things really aren't as bad as they and downs I now see are part of everyday life...yet they always seem to get better over some'll see...everyone has their ups and downs...yet when things get good, they get really good...anything feels better then the "downs"....

Just thinking out loud today.....its Sunday after all ...LOL

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Happy New Year everyone!!!

As you can see, I am back and refreshed...somewhat

During my little break I confronted some of the major problems that have been nagging me for sometime. Now whether or not they have been completely resolved is yet to be determined. I do hope for the sake of all good things that they don't come back to bite me in the #$!. But I think I know where I am heading to in the future, another major confrontation might occur, but this time I will hopefully see it before it hits.

Why is it that some people just can't let go of the past? Why do they have to constantly repeat their mistakes over and over again? These are the individuals that we should pray for, so that they might find a way to overcome the past and MOVE ON into the future. Looking back and wishing for things in the past can only bring more pain then it is worth. What a waste of energy!!!

Things are going to start getting busy again around here in a little while. So I have made a promise to myself to update you all more frequently. Hope you understand..

Hope everyone is enjoying 2006,


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